Our family does a lot of hunting & fishing; what a great way to teach gun safety & have a great time with your family shooting trap. The biggest thing for me is having four children & keeping things moving but still being safe, with single trap throwers say hand or hard mounted that keeps me to busy & not having enough fun; plus the safety factor keeping an eye on my children. That’s when I seen the Do-All Automatic Trap thrower at Sportsman’s Warehouse. We started out with 1 thrower which was great but with my boys being competitive it wasn’t enough, that’s when we bought a second Do-All Automatic Trap thrower. As you see in the picture we have the 2 throwers going with myself & my oldest boy running the foot pedals with all 5 of us shooting at once, one dedicated for first shot & one to pick up any misses for each thrower, we also play Annie Oakley & other shooting games. This is the greatest, we shoot almost very weekend & have friends calling to come over to shoot with us.
Thanks again, Scott.