Team photo of the Mountain View Shooters...we all say Thank You!
Great customer service.
I just don't possess the words to properly convey my gratitude.
Special Assistant to the Commander
Air Force Space Command.
We threw 800 plus targets last weekend, 14 people, over 1000 shells. What a blast!!!
Product review from Outdoor Life.
The unit is absolutely AWESOME.
...Texas Adaptive Outdoorsman we use our Do-All Traps to teach disabled children and adults to Dove and Duck hunt all for free.
Customer Service
All of my fellow shooters can't believe how well we are treated...
Do-All Outdoors Donates Products to Support Education on Patrick Flanigan’s Team Xtreme
A few pictures of your D0-All Products, and the vertical limiting device I designed for the wobbler unit on the two PM134 throwers.
...To say it worked flawlessly and was a big success would be an understatement...
I gave your books the ultimate test. I read them to our kids.
"Bill Winke's 's Field Journal" |
It was so easy that it took only 15 seconds to do..
...You have a superior company that cares about customers....
Hunter friendly books for kids
Two new books finally present hunters as good guys in children's literature
By James A. Swan, Ph.D. Author of
"In Defense of Hunting" — April 16, 2007
Bring me more shells.
We bought one Aerial Assault auto trap and it has worked perfectly.
They really are DO-ALL TRAPS!!!!!!
Much credit to the lazy leg ..
I shot my first turkey with the Lazy Leg....
...The most impressive new rolling gun case is made by Do-All Outdoors...
"Clay Shooting USA"
...I don't know if anyone else has set one up
like this, but it sure works good.
...Most basic auto traps start at about twice that amount, and the price goes up quickly from there. Looking at a prototype later at the show, I immediately put in an order...
...we have the 2 throwers going with myself & my oldest boy running the foot pedals with all 5 of us shooting at once, ...This is the greatest...
I bought one of your aerial assault and I have shooting buddies coming out of the woodwork!...
As a renowned international P.I., I trust only one companies Flight Proof gun case and it’s made by Do-All Outdoors
"it's a lot of fun to shoot clays with my grandson."
The unit is absolutely AWESOME.
...I could probably drop this thing from a truck bed going 70mph and nothing would happen to it...
...one heck of a product!!...He loves to press the lever when we say "PULL" - OUTSTANDING!!
...Just to let you know, I took 6 gobblers on camera this spring off a Lazy Leg and assisted several more hunters for whom I furnished equipment...
...What an awesome machine. The clay zipped past all of us with tremendous force, traveling over 100 yards...
...her first turkey... 12 gauge shotgun held steady complements of the "Lazy Leg"
...We had a chance to go out and try the new 3-quarter you sent and it worked fantastic....
"Thanks to the Do-All Buck Buster field dressing my first black bear was quick and simple."
It has a nice artistic look and is extremely simple to attach your antlers to it.
Proud new .22 Auto Reset Target owner
...I knew I'd found just the ticket for helping those young arms remain steady...
Do-All Traps make excellent products and back it up with even better customer service and support.
We Are BuckBuster Fans!
Lazy leg and Dead.
Being able to be comfortable and sit still for long periods is so key in turkey hunting....
... Thanks for a great product!
Lazy Leg = Fried Turkey

As you can see...your gun pod worked very well for me this morning.